setfacl - set file access control lists
syntax $ setfacl option file
To modify ACLs of file to give read and write permission to user1 $ setfacl -m u:user1 rw file
To remove all extended ACL entries $ setfacl -b file.txt
To remove entries from the ACL of file, To remove group 'ilugc' from a file's ACL $ setfacl -x g:ilugc file.txt
To remove the default ACL $ setfacl -k file
To apply operations to all files and directories recursively $ setfacl -m g:ilugc:rw -R directory
To restore a permission backup $ setfacl --restore=file
To copy the ACL of one file to another $ getfacl example.txt | setfacl --set-file=- f sample.txt
regards, T.Dhanasekar