vim - Vi IMproved, a programmer's text editor
To create a file $ vim filename
To go Insert Mode press i
Once the editor is in insert mode, start writing the content in the file.
To Save the file and exit from the editor [Esc] + :wq or [Esc] + :x
To save the file but do not exit. Esc + :w
To quit from the file without saving Esc + :q!
h- move the cursor to the left l- move the cursor to the right k- move the cursor to up one line j- moves the cursor to the down of one line H- moves the cursor to the beginning of the screen L- moves the cursor to the bottom of the screen M- moves the cursor to the middle of the screen G- moves the cursor to the end of the file gg- moves the cursor to the start of the file
regards, T.Dhanasekar