Hi. I think there is a kind of glitch with free software. I am discussing things related to creating free software
According to this idea I am supposed to: a) furnish source code along with the application (with the public license and everything) b) give the user rights to view the source code or modify it according to his or her needs. c) the user can make another application out of my code, provided he or she preserves my identity.
I had confusion about copyrights, but later I figured out that these rights exist solely to preserve ones identity. Meaning if his or her idea is being used by some other person, then that person (who is using the idea) should pay a price for it. Here the idea becomes a commodity.
Now back to our main problem. The code is free, the software is free; anyone can acquire it. He or she can happily modify it. He or she can make an application out of it.
Suppose a person who is heavily intent on maligning me might use my code, modify it, and create an application that crashes down your system. In other words that person makes a virus out of my application. And he does not include his name or any identity reference. Let us say that person has put this software online on my website via hacking. Now other people will definitely download my software; thinking that it is a perfect application. When they run it and their system crashes down, then naturally dont you think my identity is at a crisis here
Well such incidents are possible. I dont mean to complain here. Is there some solution for this? Now again answer my previous question: is it right to make free software using proprietary/commercial software. (Like for e.g., the dictionary software in visual basic ?)
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