Just a few comments on the site:
1. For some languages like Kannada, English, Hindi, etc., a flag is seen instead of text. I think we need text since flags for all Indian languages are the same. And can't we put this in alphabetical order?
2. The link Also available in presentation mode… on the home page leads to an empty page. I actually did not understand what this was meant to be. On my screen, the bottom one-third or so of the FSFI logo was hidden.
3. The words "Free Software Foundation of India" seems to be part of the logo. I thought it appeared to be rather small for the site.
I have already registered as sasi.
Best Sasi
On Mon, 2008-06-09 at 11:55 +0530, Nagarjuna G. wrote:
all the required features are added, such as multilingual, registration form, etc. main pending thing is to add the older content. this has to be done manually.
if we can coordinate, then each of us can populate the events, news, and other articles. by next monday we want to announce the new site and open for registrations. meanwhile, please register and send a request to alpesh, who will modify your role as manager, so that you will be able to write articles, post news, events etc. similarly we will have to convert some of the active users as translators.
slowly, we will change the site from plone like to FSF India theme using Niyam's recommendations.