If Moglen is giving any public talks any where in India, please announce them in the mailing list at fsf-friends@gnu.org.in. also send that to fsf-web@gnu.org.in, so that it can also be posted on FSF India's website.
I saw one such post, but could not figure out in which city is he doing that?
It's really sad that we couldn't publish any news abt the talks of Moglen @ gnu.org.in. Can we have a section 'upcoming events' on our site like the one we have in fsf.org? That will make it easy for us to keep everyone updated about the happenings.
On 6/1/07, Nagarjuna G. nagarjun@gnowledge.org wrote:
On 6/7/07, James Mathew james@gnu.org.in wrote:
sure, we will get that one out. meanwhile let us not loose the opportunity to cover all the events regularly.