james, anurag has fixed the problem. can you please update the site with all the event details.
there are some pending requests made to fsf-web. please post them.
since, several events are taking place, due to eben's visit, and georg's visit later, lot of people will try to reach the web site and look for information. we should not loose the opportunity to spread the message.
let us from now on, keep the site up to date.
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Anurag anurag@gnu.org.in Date: Jun 3, 2007 12:44 PM Subject: Re: fsf's drupal To: "Nagarjuna G." nagarjun@gnowledge.org
Sometime on Saturday 02 Jun 2007, Nagarjuna G. said:
Thankfully the website now works. The database and /home/gnu has been rsynced to cc4.
-- Anurag Patel