Hi List,
I am an Free Software Evangelist. I have a query which needs some
clarification. Here goes the situation.
I have software X.1 which is GPL. I find it pretty useful and use it in
the development of Software A, by way of just using the binary of
software X.1. When I commercially release software A, I also release
Software X.1 along with its GPL, but my Software A isn't GPL....meaning
anything NON-GPL. In this circumstance, suppose Software X, from version
X.5 decides to go NON-GPL, what are the implications that I have for
Software X.1 that I already bundle with Software A.
There are a couple of questions.
a) Can this situation of a GPL software moving towards a non-GPL license
over the time happen...???
b) Does the older GPL version X.1 also get affected by changes to
version X.5...(rephrasing it )...Is a version of a software GPL
released, GPL for ever or is it subject to change?
I have been using Free Software mostly on personal basis, but now faced
with a business decision to make, hence consulting the authority...:-)