On 2020, സെപ്റ്റംബർ 8 4:32:41 AM IST, Ravi Dwivedi ravidwivedi@posteo.net wrote:
Dear All,
The two ethical issues for an email service are (1) whether you can use it without running any nonfree software (including nonfree Javascript code from the site), and (2)
You can use a Free Software application to read and send emails. I rarely use the web interface.
whether it respects your privacy.
You can use gpg and end to end encryption to keep your emails private.
The email service I am currently using is Posteo. They did not identify me in any way while signing up. User can pay in cash using post, although I asked someone to use credit card on my behalf. Posteo works well with IceCat browser except that I am not able to scroll while reading sent messages. This means that other than this feature, the webmail works well with Libre JS enabled and therefore uses free Javascript with some issues.
We cannot tell from the outside whether the email service respects user's privacy. Probably instead of relying on an email service, I should set up my own server. I do not know how to set up my own server. I would like to request your suggestions.
If you can afford to run your own server and capable of managing it, you should run it.
Alternatively, you can find others to join you and collectively run such a service. I use this approach, some of us share the cost of running a mail server.
Other option is to choose a community maintained mail service and support them. disroot.org riseup.net and autistici.org are such services.
Stallman writes [1] on his page: "I read and send mail with Emacs using M-x rmail and C-x m." Probably this is one of the ways to achieve that but I did not understand what he meant.
There are other Free Software applications too. Thunderbird, kmail, Geary and more on desktop. K9 mail, pep on android.
I would be highly grateful to you for any help.
Ravi Dwivedi