Most essential services involved in IT sector will not be affected by hartals or other such shutdowns, if proper technological tools are made use of. Modern technological developments in this sector have long overcome the geographical-lock-in through use of distributed development models. The very fact that offshore activities that include real-time services as well, are offered from this part of the world itself is a pointer to the fact. These days major Internet Service Providers are known to offer guaranteed broadband services to evey nook and corner of the State - which even made a mammoth proposal like Smart City look like a sham, when one of its original claim had been offering such broadband services in a single location in Dubai. Whatever makes portions of IT service sector linked to hartals are then through adoption of outdated technologies often deployed by developers of proprietary and non-free solution providers. Governments should now be asking these land-must-for-development solution providers to adopt development based on Free and Open Source models, and step in to assist them, wherever required, rather than making such vague remarks and worse still, using the platform of Legislative Assembly for sending across such non-professional messages.
CK Raju