2008/1/20, Christian Einfeldt <einfeldt(a)gmail.com>:
> IMHO, the fight for freedom is a numbers game. The higher the locked down
> installbase, the more power goes to the dark side.
> At the public middle school that I am moving to Free Software, the teachers
> just don't care about freedom. But they do care about educating children.
> IMHO, we must be humble and serve the needs of the end users first. We need
> to convince them that Free Software will do what …
[View More]THEY want it to do. So
> now, all of the student-facing computers at this public school are Free
> Software computers, unless you don't consider PClinuxOS or Ubuntu to be Free
> Software. There are still some non-Free software components on those boxes,
> but we are working steadily to get them off. Rome was not built in a day.
> It will take patience and perseverance.
Lets see what RMS has to say about it.
"Many people suggest a two stage solution. They say, first, let's
teach people to use Free Software, and then, once they're using it,
we'll teach people to appreciate the freedom.
Well, this two stage solution might work well, if it were properly
tried, but when people propose this, almost always they go and work on
stage one. In fact, I've come to recognise that this two stage
solution idea is really an excuse to work on stage one and ignore
stage two. Stage two is what I work on. So if you really believe in a
two stage solution, come join me and work on stage two because the
problem is that so much of our community has focussed on stage one,
and so much of our community has talked about practical benefits while
ignoring freedom, that in fact, at this point, if you start using the
GNU/Linux system, you may not hear anyone talk about freedom for
years. In other words, our community has not just begun to forget
about the goal of freedom, it has almost completely forgotten. With
the result that now it is a struggle to teach people in our own
community about the freedom which is the reason why we built this
Of all the operating systems in history, all except one were developed
for commercial reasons or technical reasons. GNU was developed for the
sake of freedom. The users need to know this. And I would like to ask
you to join in helping to teach them this. This is why I dedicate
myself now to spreading these ideas of freedom. There are more than a
million contributors to Free Software now. The community doesn't need
me that much as a programmer, and besides, I'm getting older, I
probably can't do it as well as I used to. But there are not a million
people teaching the users to appreciate the value of freedom and the
value of specifically the freedom to cooperate in a community. This is
where we urgently need more people. "
പ്രവീണ് അരിമ്പ്രത്തൊടിയില്
Join The DRM Elimination Crew Now!
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We called it Free Software at first. It wasn't until we started
calling it Open Source that the punditry line counts began creeping up
higher than the code line counts. We had this baby and we were proud
of it, and the deep rooted insecurity born of being the ridiculed and
utterly misunderstood underdogs made us require the approval of
business and Grandma Bessie before we could ourselves be satisfied.
Well, now we've got it, and in some ways Open Source is not better off
because of it.
[View More]Thanks to the cavorting evangelists in the Ubuntu community who were
converted on the strength of a cheaply-gotten sense of technical
superiority over their peers who still use Windows 98, "Free" is now a
dirty word since it stands so often in the way of converting more
people, faster.
Free Software wasn't originally meant to be a cult with a membership
statistics monkey on its back; the idea was, like, to be "Free."
Full story http://www.linux.com/feature/124564
പ്രവീണ് അരിമ്പ്രത്തൊടിയില്
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"I first read the GNU Manifesto from the Free Software Foundation back
in 1987 and it forever shaped the way I viewed software. We at
Trolltech are proud to continue serving the free software community by
allowing software developers to choose which GPL version they want to
Eirik Chambe-Eng, co-founder of Trolltech
പ്രവീണ് അരിമ്പ്രത്തൊടിയില്
Join The DRM Elimination Crew Now!
My Fair Copyright for Canada Principles
With the continued interest in Canadian copyright reform - the Fair
Copyright for Canada Facebook group has grown to over 38,000 members
and the local chapters across the country are gaining significant
momentum - the most frequently asked question I receive is "what do
you think fair copyright reform looks like?" In other words, we know
that tens of thousands of Canadians oppose a Canadian DMCA, but …
[View More]what
kind of reform would or should they support?
1) Take the Copyright Pledge.
2) Anti-circumvention provisions should be directly linked to
copyright infringement.
3) No ban on devices that can be used to circumvent a TPM.
4) Expand the fair dealing provision by establishing "flexible fair dealing."
5) Establish a legal safe harbour for Internet intermediaries
supported by a "notice and notice" takedown system.
6) Modernize the backup copy provision.
7) Rationalize the statutory damages provision.
8) Include actual distribution in the making available right.
Can we have a campaign similar to this in India?
പ്രവീണ് അരിമ്പ്രത്തൊടിയില്
Join The DRM Elimination Crew Now!
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The person/group behind the move of providing all the Judges of India
with a Laptop pre-loaded with Free Software deserves a FSF-I Ratna
Do we have any idea as to the brainchild of this project ?
CK Raju
LinuxChix is a community for women who like
Linux<http://www.getgnulinux.org/>and Free
Software <http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html>("free as in freedom"),
and for women and men who want to support women in computing. The membership
ranges from novices to experienced users, and includes professional and
amateur programmers, system administrators and technical writers.
The local chapter http://linuxchix.org.in will be having its Bangalore
meeting on
Date:19th(Saturday) …
[View More]January, 2008
Venue: Christ College, Bangalore, Block 2, (one of the classrooms or kiosk
or where ever comfortable)
This meeting is being co-organised by the Computer Science department of
Christ College(Autonomous), Bangalore.
Please do attend.
Vikram Vincent
Christ College(Autonomous), Bangalore
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This is an anecdote that was shared by a person who is my God father. A
beautiful attitude in life. Read it. you will recognize why?
Here it is :
A gentleman was once visiting a temple under construction.
In the temple premises, he saw a sculptor making an idol of God.
Suddenly he saw, just a few meters away, another identical idol was lying.
Surprised he asked the sculptor, do you need two statutes of the same idol.
No said the sculptor. We need only one, but the first one got damaged at …
[View More]the
last stage.
The gentleman examined the statue.
No apparent damage was visible.
Where the damage is? asked the gentleman.
There is a scratch on the nose of the idol.
Where are you going to keep the idol?
The sculptor replied that it will be installed on a pillar 20 feet high.
When the idol will be 20 feet away from the eyes of the beholder, who is
going to know that there is scratch on the nose? The gentleman asked.
The sculptor looked at the gentleman, smiled and said, "The God knows it and
I know it ".
The desire to excel should be exclusive of the fact whether someone
appreciates it or not.
Excellence is a drive from Inside not Outside.
By TrouseredApe, http://www.trouseredape.com
Bala (TrouseredApe): this anecdote applies to the open source movement
"A well-directed imagination is the source of great deeds"
With Best Regards,
WebPage : http://platonic.techfiz.info
Phone: 91- 9902026518 / 9343726518
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The Origins of FSF India
C V Radhakrishnan started a one-man unit for typesetting documents,
and grew it into a company that now employs 150 people and is today
rated No.1 by Elsevier Science for typesetting their journals.
Radhakrishnan also played an important role in establishing FSF India,
and his firm, River Valley Technologies, uses only Free Software. V.
Sasi Kumar of the Centre for Earth Science Studies talked to him about
the journey with Free Software this far.
LFY: We understand …
[View More]that your company River Valley Technologies is
doing business using TeX. How did you happen to become acquainted with
I started learning TeX to escape from the hardships of a motor neuron
disease that afflicted me when I was 25. I was working at the
Kariyavattom campus of the University of Kerala. In the evenings,
students used to come to me for help in preparing documents including
papers, theses and reports. It was at that time that Professor K.S.S.
Nambooripad of the Department of Mathematics came back from the United
States with a set of floppy disks containing TeX/LaTeX, which he
encouraged his students to learn about TeX. Prof Nambooripad also
encouraged me to learn the TeX language since it would fit well into
my scheme of things. A detailed account of this is provided at
LFY: When was this?
This was in the late eighties.
LFY: How did you happen to start River Valley Technologies?
TeX interested me. Since I had abundant free time, I learnt this
classic text-processing language, and also started exploring the
possibilities of making a living out of it. Surprisingly, I had a very
large quantum of text-processing work from the university, which I
couldn't handle single-handed. On the other hand, I was not organised
enough to run a full-fledged company on a commercial scale, nor had
the entrepreneurial skills to do so. However, when the pressure of
work and the demand for services escalated, I decided to open up a
company along with my two younger brothers (Rajendran and Rajagopal).
Thus River Valley Technologies came into existence on the premises of
the Software Technology Part (STP) in Trivandrum on the New Year of
LFY: Were you using Free Software at that time?
No, I did not know about Free Software at that time. We had a few
computers that ran on DOS, and were networked with Novell Netware. We
knew about UNIX, which was a much more powerful operating system, but
we didn't have the resources to buy UNIX.
LFY: Then how did you come to use Free Software?
That was a sheer accident. A young man who used to supply our
hardware, once told me that there was something called Linux, which
was very similar to UNIX, but was equally good. He also gave me a CD
with Linux. We experimented with it. Those were the formative days of
Linux and it was very difficult to even install the system. But we
eventually did succeed, and replaced DOS and Novell Netware with
Linux. From that time onwards, we have never looked back, nor have we
used a proprietary operating system.
LFY: Do you remember which distribution it was? Was it the one
distributed by 'PC QUEST'?
The first distribution I tried was provided by my 'hardware friend' --
it was Slackware. Our company's complete switch-over to Linux took
place with the release of Red Hat Linux 4.0.
LFT: At that time did you know about the philosophy of Free Software,
or were you just using it as another kind of UNIX?
I did not know about the philosophy of Free Software at that time. The
only Free Software I knew was TeX. The term 'free' meant only 'gratis'
to me in those days. It was much later that we learned about freedom
in software.
LFY: Then how did you come to learn about the philosophy of Free Software?
There were two factors that familiarised us with the freedom aspect of
Free Software. The first one was the inauguration of the Indian TeX
User Group at Trivandrum in 1998, which brought us closer to many Free
Software communities in other parts of the globe. Our acquaintance
with several activists like Karl Berry of the TeX Users Group and
Sebastian Rahtz of the UK TeX users Group was instrumental in getting
familiarised with the Free Software philosophy.
Second, during the incorporation of FreeDevelopers.Net, a commercial
company based in Washington with proposed branches all over the world,
there was a very serious discussion about the Free Software philosophy
and its fitness for commercial activities. Rajagopal (River Valley),
Anil and Rajkumar (Linuxense), Arun (Space-Kerala) and I -- who were
instrumental in the formation of the Trivandrum GNU/Linux Users Group
-- were also very active in the FreeDevelopers.Net, of which Richard
Stallman was the chief ethical officer. Needless to say, we gathered
enough and more information about all the aspects of Free Software,
including its ethical stance.
LFY: Your group decided to start an Indian Free Software Foundation.
How did this happen?
That was primarily because of the apparent success of
FreeDevelopers.Net in the initial phase and the proximity of Richard
Stallman to clear any theoretical doubts. The Indian branch of
FreeDevelopers.Net was registered as a commercial company in India
under the Companies Act, and indeed, it was successful in winning a
few projects from organisations that favoured Free Software. While we
enjoyed the backing of these organisations in the form of projects, we
thought it would promote the cause of Free Software if we had an
Indian chapter of the Free Software Foundation. The idea was
deliberated at length with the board of FreeDevelopers.Net and as you
can imagine, it gained immediate acceptance.
LFY: How did you happen to invite RMS to inaugurate FSF India?
That was the organic and natural sequel of the events described in my
answer to the previous question.
LFY: Are you still involved in propagating Free Software? Do you still
have links with FSFI?
Yes and no. Yes, in the sense that we do fund and maintain
http://sarovar.org, an Indian portal for hosting Free Software
projects. We also fund several other projects of the TeX User Group
like LuaTeX, which is the newest incarnation of Knuth's TeX that is
going to replace the default TeX compiler very soon; the TeX Gyre
project, which is an ambitious font project of the Polish TeX Users
Group, which has contributed fourteen LaTeX packages to the
Comprehensive TeX Archive Network and still maintain those packages,
However, I am not as active as I was a few years ago. The very reason
that brought me into TeX and the Free Software world -- perennial
muscular dystrophy -- has started pulling me back from active life. My
mobility is extremely limited; I spent most of my time at home. Of
course, the Internet comes to my rescue.
LFY: As a person using Free Software for a decade, do you see any
future for it in business?
Yes, indeed! I think people can hardly avoid free Software, whether it
is in business or personal computing. In this context, it is worth
mentioning a recent development in the text-processing world. As you
may be aware, most text processing companies use 3B2, a proprietary
typesetting for academic journal typesetting. A company named
Arbortext recently acquired Advent (which owned 3B2). People were a
bit scared, but Arbortext reassured users saying that they would
support and continue 3B2. But within six months, Arbortext was
acquired by another CAD/CAM company. The new owners were silent about
the continuance of the 3B2 system. People are really scared now, and
the belief that proprietary systems are more reliable than Free/open
stuff has vapourised. Some companies have already started development
centres for TeX in India, which is good news for TeXies and some have
repented for not using free alternatives. I have had a few requests
for consulting too, but declined owning to my own tight schedules.
This incident has opened the eyes of many to the hazards of depending
on proprietary software in business.
LFY: Can you tell us something about your company? how many people
work there? Are you getting sufficient work?
River Valley Technologies is one of the nine suppliers to Elsevier
Science, the world's largest academic journal publishers. We have been
recently adjudged the No 1 supplier by Elsevier -- for quality,
technology and meeting schedules. It is a credit to free software and
a fitting answer to people who claim that only proprietary software
can bring success to companies engaged in commercial-grade production.
The Institute of Physics Publishing, Cambridge University Press, and
Nature Publishing Group are some other clients, listed in the
decreasing order of the size of their accounts with us. We are
reasonably popular in the text-processing industry, where TeX is used.
And therefore, we do not have any dearth of work. We have a team of
over 150 people now and plan to expand our operations to Vietnam with
the help of Han The Thanh, who is the primary author of pdfTeX and
part of our company ###
-- Copyright 2007 V Sasi Kumar. This work is licensed under the
Creative Commons Attribution, No-derivative 3.0 License. To view a
copy of this license, visit
http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/3.0/ V Sasi Kumar is a
scientist at the Centre for Earth Science Studies, and is also a
member of the Free Software Foundation, India.
LINUX FOR YOU, www.linuxforu.com DECEMBER 2007 issue, pp 34-35.
Frederick Noronha http://fn.goa-india.org Ph +91-832-2409490
Links from Goa: http://goalinks.livejournal.com/
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