There was a 2 day workshop for school kids called FOSS@School as part of the
recently concluded FOSSMeet at NIT Calicut - please read the report here:
(Be sure that you check out the last photograph in the report)
It would be great if Vimal puts up some details of the discussion he had with the school teachers.
Get the freedom to save as many mails as you wish. To know how, go to http://help.yahoo.com/l/in/yahoo/mail/yahoomail/tools/tools-08.html
"No more *Virus,* No more *crashes* and no more *Blue screen of Death!*"
A* GNU/Linux Installation* *festival* dubbed *GNU/Linux Habba* has been
planned on *Saturday,* *April 26th, 2008.*
*We will: *
1. Help you install GNU/Linux on your Laptop/Desktop.
2. We will show you how to type in Kannada and configure, optimise
your system for Kannada.
3. If you bring an empty CD, we'll copy your favourite distribution on
it for you*. (And this won't be piracy! You're also free to distribute
4. We will answer all your questions related to Kannada on GNU/Linux
to the best of our knowledge.
*Venue*: *SERC, Indian Institute of Science. *
More info at:
and few more articles are here:
*Online Registration:*
Kannada: http://sampada.net/event/GNU-Linux-Habba
English: http://kannada.sampada.net/event/gnu-linux-habba-bengaluru
*Off-line Registrations:*
Call or SMS:
9945270698 Hari Prasad Nadig
9902026518 Om Shiv Prakash
9740322699 Srinidhi N Iyengar
*Lastly, who is organising this?*
A bunch of human GNU/Linux enthusiasts and volunteers from Sampada
- Sampada Team
"ಹೊಸ ಚಿಗುರು ಹಳೆ ಬೇರು"
"A well-directed imagination is the source of great deeds"
With Best Regards,
WebPage : http://platonic.techfiz.info
Phone: 91- 9902026518 / 9343726518
Kussh, You're also wlecome to join us at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ilug-goa
Kindly see http://wikiwikiweb.de/LugsList
On 04/04/2008, Kussh Singh <kussh.singh(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Frederick,
> Is there any unofficial site for open source/free software
> hobbyists/nerds etc in India where information they have collected
> with some effort could be shared.
> e.g. I have quite a few ebooks now on technology and management which
> i am unable to share due to lack of webspace, lack of anonymity and
> legal restrictions etc. Was thinking of a hackers meeting
> joint/exclusive club --the mumbai LUG seems to be dead/irrelevant --it
> seems we don't have the sharing/giving/meritocracy culture that is
> found in the west--here its a dog eat dog world.
> Kush
> ps: pls reply to kussh.singh(a)gmail.com
> --
> http://core.nic.in
> http://directory.fsf.orghttp://ohloh.net
Frederick 'FN' Noronha | Ym/Gmailtalk: fredericknoronha
http://fn.goa-india.org | fred(a)bytesforall.org
Independent Journalist | +91(832)2409490 Cell 9970157402
"ISO captured by vendor Microsoft
Brussels, 2 April 2008 — ISO members failed to disapprove the Open XML
format. Microsoft has compromised the International Standards
Organisation (ISO) during the rush to get a stamp for their Office
OpenXML (OOXML), using unfair practices such as committee stuffing in
several countries and political interventions of ministers in the
standardization process.."
"I see an anonymous comment suggest that ISO now stands for: I Sold
Out" — Groklaw, What Really Happened at the BRM for OOXML & Who
Details at http://www.noooxml.org
CK Raju
On Wed, Apr 2, 2008 at 10:28 AM, Anivar Aravind
<anivar(a)movingrepublic.org> wrote:
> The long story of how ISO standardisation process fails
> Also read India's coments on ISO Ballot Resolution process on venky's Blog
> http://osindia.blogspot.com/2008/03/indias-comments-on-brm-to-iso.html
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: [bytesforall_readers] OOXML won the vote for ISO standards
> approval!
> Date: Tue, 1 Apr 2008 14:13:46 -0400
> From: Satish Jha <satish.jha(a)gmail.com>
> Reply-To: bytesforall_readers(a)yahoogroups.com
> While ISO isn't set to announce the official voting tally until
> tomorrow, the OpenDoc Society
> <http://www.opendocsociety.org/Press-information> has posted to a
> mailing list what it claims are the final results indicating that
> Microsoft will be granted ISO approval for its Office Open XML (OOXML)
> document format.
> According to the alleged results page, OOXML received a 75 percent
> "approve" total
> <http://www.news.com/8301-10784_3-9907583-7.html?tag=nefd.top>. It
> needed 66.66 percent to become an ISO standard. Here is the alleged ISO
> ballot information on OOXML (zipped PDF file).
> <http://blogs.zdnet.com/microsoft/images/ooxml-vote-pdf.zip>
> ISO officials aren't commenting on the leaked ballot tally. Nor is
> Microsoft. ISO officials said on March 31 that they planned to notify
> privately the national bodies who participated in the standards vote
> before publicizing the final results on April 2
> <http://blogs.zdnet.com/microsoft/?p=1301>.
> *Update*: Microsoft is now confirming (in a rather long-winded way) that
> OOXML won the vote for ISO standards approval
> <http://www.microsoft.com/presspass/press/2008/apr08/04-01OpenXMLVotePR.mspx>.
> From the company's April 1 press release:
> "While the final vote has not yet been announced formally, publicly
> available information shows overwhelming support for Open XML.
> According to documents available on the Internet, 86% of all
> national body members support ISO/IEC standardization, well above
> the 75% requirement for formal acceptance under ISO and IEC rules.
> In addition, 75% of the Participating national body members (known
> as P-members) support standardization, also well above the required
> 66.67% requirement for this group.
> "Open XML, IS29500, now joins HTML, PDF and ODF as ISO- and
> IEC-recognized open document format standards.
> "The ratification of Open XML is proof that the consensus-building
> process worked."
> OOXML is currently an ECMA standard. Microsoft has been advocating for
> OOXML to receive ISO standard status, as that is seen as more of a
> "gold" standard by many governments when evaluating standards compliance
> of new software.
> In a note sent to its mailing list recipients, OpenDoc Society Board
> Member Michiel Leenaars portrayed the alleged OOXML victory as having
> "minimal"impact on OOXML vs. Open Document Format (ODF) adoption.
> Leenaars wrote:
> "OOXML which was submitted by Microsoft to ECMA, and by ECMA to ISO,
> has literally crawled through the needles eye
> <http://lists.opendocsociety.org/pipermail/members.announce/2008-April/00000…>.
> After a year of discussion and repairs it still receives the very
> minimum of support. The BRM convinced some yet unconvinced others,
> and counter votes from large countries like China, India, Brazil,
> Canada, South Africa and Iran speak volumes. This must be one of the
> worst results ever for a standard to pass within ISO/JTC1 in years.
> "Appartently (sic) the chair from the Norwegian comitte(e) has filed
> a protest against the national outcome. Although one vote would not
> make much difference, others may follow."
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