Check the report
For full story read the Hindu news paper .
Omshivaprakash | ಓಂಶಿವಪ್ರಕಾಶ್ | ओं शिवप्रकाश्
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Dear IndiaGII,
Rolf Kleef <rolf(a)> drew attention to the OpenStreetMap
project and wrote something of relevance to our part of the world.
Rolf commented as below, but meanwhile could you please help to take
these initiatives ahead, if you see something good coming of it? --FN
PS: Apologies for cross-posting, just trying to build the links...
Rolf Kleef <rolf(a)> wrote:
- The Dutch company AND has provided their data on Dutch roads, and
that data is now included on And there seems to
be an import underway of public domain data for the US (could take
months to complete).
- AND said they will also donate their data for China and India (which
covers major roads only). I'm copying a message I found with possible
contacts, and especially want to point out possible work by FSF India
on uploading map data via SMS and possibly developing free GPS
devices. I don't know anything further about this. Maybe Frederick or
others in APC have access to more information? It could be a valuable
development to enable more participation worldwide.
/-- Kind regards,
/--- Rolf.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [OSM-dev] OSM, AND & India
Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2007 09:50:20 -0700 (PDT)
From: Mikel Maron <mikel_maron(a)>
To: Ante Wessels <ante(a)>, dev(a), Schuyler Erle
CC: OpenStreetMap NL discussion list <talk-nl(a)>
Hi Ante
I'm also very interested in mapping India.
A couple notes on those data sources...
I've talked to Schuyler about this, he's one of the organizers of the
Mumbai Freemap. Mumbai Freemap is an impressive data set -- it covers
all of Mumbai, from digitized municipal documents. Issue is that it's
currently not in a form usable for OpenStreetMap. The digitization was
done in CAD, and is pretty directly a trace of those original
documents. For example, both sides of the road are drawn precisely,
but there's not single object
representing the road itself.
So a second workshop would need to be organized, to transform the
current freemap into OpenStreetMap. Technically this is quite simple
-- the mumbai freemap can serve WMS, which can be read into JOSM. In
JOSM, that imagery is retraced in the "OSM way". It's a lot of work,
but my impression is that there's a lot of people in Mumbai willing to
work very hard on this, and that with some organizational effort it's
entirely doable.
I'd be up for helping on this.
AND in India is basically VMAP0. So we're talking major roads,
somewhat out of data, but no detail within cities. VMAP0 contains
other layers like rail, not sure if that's included in the AND data
set. When I was last in India, VMAP0 was actually pretty decent for
major roads, though anything built within the last few years was
Still a good start, and since that import path is already worked out
for the NL data, it makes a lot of sense to push that ahead too.
----- Original Message ----
From: Ante Wessels <ante(a)>
To: dev(a)
Cc: OpenStreetMap NL discussion list <talk-nl(a)>
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2007 12:59:47 AM
Subject: [OSM-dev] OSM, AND & India
I met Nagarjuna G, chairman of the FSF India. One of the projects he
is working on is open map data in India. They are experimenting with
things like uploading tracks via sms. They would like to buy gps chips
and build their own devices. Especially in Mumbai mappers are active.
I told him AND offered the main roads of India to OSM. He was very interested.
I'm rather ignorant about OSM's international contacts, so I just
tried google. This seems to be the project Nagarjuna talked about:
These pages suggest there are already contacts between and mappers in India:
The second one mentions the openstreetmap editor JOSM. Actually, I see his
name as a workshop leader there too. If JOSM is used in India too, it
should be doable to exchange data.
India is rather empty on our map yet:…
Converting the AND data should be rather straithforward since we
already have a conversion script. Intergrating it may be not too much
work since most of our map is empty. It will be more difficult to
integrate it with data collected by the India project. But that is
where it starts to become interesting.
vriendelijke groet,
dev mailing list
APC Forum is a meeting place for the APC community - people and
institutions who are or have been involved in collaboration with APC,
and share the APC vision - a world in which all people have easy,
equal and affordable access to the creative potential of information
and communication technologies (ICTs) to improve their lives and
create more
democratic and egalitarian societies.
_______________________________________________ mailing list
Frederick Noronha Ph 0091-832-2409490
List of Indian e-lists
On 06/10/2007, Omshiva prakash <omshivaprakash(a)> wrote:
> Microsoft has for long ignored issues relating to Kannada on their
> Operating Systems. Despite several movements, campaigns to bring the issues
> to Microsoft's attention, things have just been the same. What more? To push
> its own standards and grab monopoly, Microsoft has signed a "Letter of
> Intent" with Government of Karnataka recently.
> Implications? many! Microsoft would get an unfair edge in the state
> despite its negligence towards Kannada language.
A few thoughts about the letter:
1. The main points of the letter - gives adequate focus on the Kannada
language aspects, talks about "lock-in" and benefit of free software.
2. Can a few point about the ODF vs. OOXML and India's stand on the issue be
added? I think this is very relevant to the situation.
3. Can we increase the emphasis of quality of localisation with free
4. Maybe quote a few points from the IOSN webpage on
why developing countries such as India would find it more advantageous to
use FOSS based solutions.
While the language issue would stir our passions, on its own it would not
present a compelling case since Free s/w Kannada localisation is also still
Hope these points are taken into consideration when finalising the letter(if
this a draft).
With fraternal greetings,
Vikram Vincent
Say Libre :-)
by Frederick Noronha [फ़र ेदरिक नोर ोनया]
04 Oct '07
04 Oct '07
>From a friend in South Africa. --FN
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kim Tucker <KTucker(a)>
Date: 4 Oct 2007 01:16
Subject: Say Libre :-)
To: fred(a)
Hi Fred,
How is everything?
This might interest you (and your friends):
Keep well and in touch
Frederick Noronha Ph 0091-832-2409490
List of Indian e-lists
Dear all:
I'm working on a paper on Free/Libre and Open Source Software in
Schools and would be grateful if you could point me to useful links
about such ventures, where it has been used successfully or otherwise.
A draft paper (work-in-progress) of what I've put together so far can be read at
Your suggestions, comments and critique is welcome.
Thanks in advance for any help you could offer. FN
PS: Thanks to all who have offered links already...
Frederick Noronha Ph 0091-832-2409490
List of Indian e-lists
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [ilugd] Revoking/Objecting to Software Patents in Indian
Patent Office
Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2007 16:02:56 +0530
From: Saurabh Nanda <saurabhnanda(a)>
Reply-To: The Linux-Delhi mailing list <ilugd(a)>
To: The Linux-Delhi mailing list <ilugd(a)>,
GNU/Linux Users Group, Mumbai, India <linuxers(a)>
India, prima facie, does not allow pure software patents or business method
patents. But that doesn't stop companies from trying. The Indian Patent
Office is already being flooded with the patents described as "A web based
system to do XYZ" or "A computer system in conjunction with XY to do Z"
With no one opposing them (and not enough noise about this, like in the case
of pharma patents), there's a high probability that this would get granted.
Does anyone know of a concerted effort to keep this kind of cruft out from
our country? Any pointers?
Anivar Aravind
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