Titty Jacob said on Mon, May 03, 2004 at 11:43:37AM +0530,:
Groklaw says:- take that with a pinch of salt.
<quote> (quoting Jonnathan Schwartz at http://www.infoworld.com/article/04/04/30/HNsolarisgpl_1.html
"Still, Sun has its apprehensions. 'What worries us about the GPL is its capacity to encourage forking, because what's happened in Linux is that Red Hat has forked. Not in the sense that the kernel is different ... It's forked because if you write to the Red Hat distribution, you can't go and run on Debian.' . . . " </quote>
Coming from the COO of a large IT corporate, which sells an OS based on BSD codebase, this displays a remarkable level of ignorence of POSIX compliance. (forget the kernel, FHS and the GPL).