btw kinda off topic but abhijeet savant wins the indian idol and i am the first person to report this on the mailing list :)
sorry guyz for drifting REALLY OFF TOPIC but i am crazy/was abt watching Indian Idol! ;-)
On Sat, 5 Mar 2005 22:02:05 +0530, Ankit Malik wrote:
How many times shall SARATH have to report that THAT is a fake site. CONSULT the archives.
P.S. Sarath , don't create FUD, remove that site ASAP if you dont want ppl to ROFL on ur stuff :)
On Sat, 5 Mar 2005 08:22:58 -0800 (PST), vishravars Ramasubramanian wrote:
Hi Sarath , I just need a small clarification from you. You said you support Free Software and you have also said that you totally support free s/w in the link
But one small doubt i have.
Why is the sentence -> You can freely install demo version of the software from downloads. After installing you will get serial number from the author, SarathLakshman by a request e-mail. Which you have given in the link If i am right i think it is for SL E-Periodic.
I think this is M$ way of doing things... and i have seen many freedom lovers hating such sentences
Could you please explain me the reason why such method being followed ?
Cheers Vishravars.R
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Ankit Malik