If the price offered by OSS is unaffordable, they can approach our customer. Same was the advise we have given to Nest when they approached us. Now for Mayyanad Service Co-op bank Nest has given the same quotation as ours. They might have received it from some of our customer. OSS is not at all bothered of re-distributing the product by its customer under GPL. But as a society we cannot provide our product free of cost. Our policy is distribute it under GPL for a price.
This is a very confusing argument. Under GPL , is it practical to charge for each copy ? You are more or less like RedHat if I understand correctly. I feel your strength should be your ability to support your software better than anybody else so that customers come to you and pay for it. Otherwise, if someboy want to make easy money by selling your software, under GPL you cannot prevent it. Those who want to do that will manage a copy somehow and does not require the code on Internet. Don't you think it is better to follow the tested strategy of RedHat. They do not make much money on selling , but on services (as far as i know)
I hope whatever happening is making more people aware of this software.