I just wanted our friends to know that some time back FSF-India really had promoted this idea to alert about the first-time breaches of freedoms. Most of them were minor sways and hence the term "Shame". For the hardened betrayers, we don't give them an honour of Shame, we treat or handle them differently. lists BSNL but for a different reason. All I wanted was to re-list it again with a new reason. It just happened that Mr Srinivas responded, which means that , even a mere threat of including in the Hall of Shame works!!
If public agencies abuse their position and think themselves to be autonomous, to go ahead and create their own *choices* when actually they don't have any, we need to show them their place. We are not crying at mail servers of private players. If its a public agency - beware, if there is a breach, we will induct them to appropriate places.
CV's contribution to TeX and ATPS's contribution to Financial services are in public memory domain.
[I don't have any - and don't feel sorry about it.]
Cheers, CK Raju