Yes, OS is redhat 9.0. And Redhats logo is printed on the CD.As far as I know, Redhat 9.0 License doesnot allow this, but fedora License do.
I think you are confused with different versions of redhat. redhat 9.0 is not redhat enterprise linux. fedora and redhat enterprise linux are distributed after formulating two distribution policies by redhat. Whatever license applicable for redhat 8.0 is also applicable to redhat 9.0.
Here there is no case of trademark infringement. The CDs which are labelled with redhat logo contains only redhat distributed packages. All the stuffs developed by CDIT is distributed in a CD with Akshaya logo. It does not contains any reference of redhat.
Whatever CDIT has attempted is legally justified.
We should join together to save current free software projects in the state and initiate new ones. CDIT is one of the approachable institution for this purpose.