Hello there, --- "Mahesh T. Pai" paivakil@vsnl.net wrote:
Raj, first things first.
The license at the bottom does not allow modification - something not in tune with spirit of the wiki. Unless you change that license into something like the GNU FDL, _I_
am not going to edit the page.
Pai vakil, now that you bring this up. I guess we put all the technical docs under FDL. Any other comments!
Second, while you have all the good intentions in doing this, I trust that you are aware of how search engines index pages. IMHO, it is not a good ting to have words like GNU and GPL appear in the context of `virus'. People searching for information on things like hepatitis might end up on this page.
Well, lunatech you need to clean up on the title.Apart from the search engine indexing problem mentioned by pai. I guess " GPL-Virus Or Vaccine" doesn't do justice to the content of the article.
A good way of phrasing this would to say ``Why GPL'', and add a sub section titled `Is the GPL viral'? And a good way of going about it is > to start with defining the term
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