Krishna Pagadala wrote:
I am calling "free software" as "freedom software" these days. ... Does anybody have an opinion on this? Unless I hear good reasons for why it should be otherwise, I will be using "freedom software" when I try and explain free software movement.
Dear Mr. Krishna Pagadala,
"Freedom software" is incorrect, because "freedom" is a noun form derived from the adjective "free", and therefore the word "freedom" cannot be used to qualify the noun "software". Proper nouns are sometimes used as proper adjectives, but freedom is a common noun, and does not qualify as a proper adjective.
The free software movement has a long history now, and it is inappropriate to invent new phrases for a well known and widely used expression that clearly points to software released under the GPL and like free licenses. Please do visit for details. For more Light on Free Software, please read the postings so titled at . The posting titled "Free without ambiguity and overapplicability" exclusively dealt with the usage of the word free in Free Software. A Free Software International Treaty was suggested, so that state legislations, and all users would use the free software terminology more widely and uniformly throughout the world.
Kindly use the expression "free software", saving Free Software from do(o)m ;-)
Regards, K. Ramanraj.