On ബു, 2003-12-24 at 06:32, Manilal K M wrote:
Arun had absolutely gone wrong. The OS used is RH Linux 9.
Yes, OS is redhat 9.0. And Redhats logo is printed on the CD.As far as I know, Redhat 9.0 License doesnot allow this, but fedora License do. The real question is, is it a "COMMERCIAL REDISTRIBUTION" or not. Let someone else answer it.
Kerala IT mission and CDIT(?) was clearly informed about the issue. So it was up to them to take necessary steps.
But I do belive that there is "someone else" is playing behind the issue whose actual aim is to block the use of Free softwares in Akshaya project, and other IT related projects in kerala. They are trying to say "Even free softwares are not free in all case". This may result in unwanted confusion on common free software users. Let's take necessary action to avoid this confussion.