Ramanraj K wrote:
The THE PATENTS (AMENDMENT) ORDINANCE, 2004 is available online at http://lawmin.nic.in/Patents%20Amendment%20Ordinance%202004.pdf
Could anyone in New Delhi obtain a copy of the Govt. of India Gazette containing the Ordinace, and report if the online version is accurate [particularly the amendment to Section 3 in page 2]? Please also mail a couple of copies of it to the FSF-India office at Trivandrum, if possible.
The Ministry of Commerce and Industry has made a statement at http://pib.nic.in/release/release.asp?relid=6074 The intention of the amendment appears to be to merely clarify patentability of computer hardware in combination with computer programs. If the Ordinance has used unintended expressions, it needs more careful analysis.
Thanks, Ramanraj.