Even if it were true, it would in no way contribute to software freedom. It would only hypothetically reduce Microsoft's earnings while allowing some middlemen to make some money and users to pay a slightly discounted price. End users would still get none of the software freedoms.
On Thu, 14 Nov 2002 11:09:29 +0530 (IST), Frederick Noronha fred@bytesforall.org wrote:
From: "Roberto Verzola" rverzola@gn.apc.org
There is already an internationally-recognized mechanism for bringing down prices of proprietary software (in fact, all items protected by IPR). Any government with the political will can use compulsory licensing to permit third parties to copy and distribute Microsoft products while compelling that third party to pay royalties to Microsoft, at rates set by the government. WTO has weakened compulsory licensing, but it is still there; it just needs a stronger political will from governments.
Roberto Verzola Philippines
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