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"Anand" == Anand Babu ab@gnu.org.in writes:
Anand> The DMCRA, proposed by Reps. Rick Boucher (D-VA) and John Anand> Doolittle (R- CA) and co-sponsored by House Energy and Anand> Commerce Committee Chairman Joe Barton (R-TX), would Anand> re-affirm consumer fair use rights and balance the Anand> otherwise one-sided protection afforded copyright owners Anand> under current interpretations of the Digital Millennium Anand> Copyright Act (DMCA).
Anand> http://www.house.gov/boucher/docs/dmcrahandout.htm Anand> http://www.progress.org/2004/patent13.htm Anand> http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?c108:H.R.107:
Just to expand on AB's rather terse posting,
DMCRA stands for Digital Media Consumers' Rights Act. It permits fair use of digital content as long as copyrights aren't violated. So, for example, it permits you to circumvent copy protection of an eBook and render it on a Braille reader for the benefit of your visually challenged friend. In general, the act seems like a Good Thing.
If the DMCRA becomes law it'd give Hymn (PlayFair) a legal status for existence.
Anand> EFF is asking consumers to take action on it. If you have Anand> friends in the US please ask them to sign Anand> http://action.eff.org/action/index.asp?step=2&item=2224
Taking action in this case means supporting the Act :)
-- Raju