Sunil Mohan Adapa wrote:
On 9/3/06, Kush wrote:
One problem that I have always faced with installing linux and have dual boot systems is the need to resize existing partitions--specially NTFS partitions. Can anybody advise which open source softwares are best to do this job painlessly? I recently came across partition logic but have still to try it.
I use GParted. There is also an exclusive GParted LiveCD which is about 30 MB download. NTFS partitions are easily well. Only you need to reboot into host operating system once, before doing any further operations on it.
Dear Sunil,
Thank you for the information. It should certainly help me and others in the same boat. I had no idea that such an alternative existed and had been looking high and low for other partitioning tools. Maybe all linux websites/ LUGs must mention this crucial tool since its required to give people a taste of linux on double boot systems.
The most prominent or only partitioning tool i had ever heard of was "partition magic" on numerous sites but no bootup/standalone all in one solution. This gparted live cd looks to be a wonderful tool --i never knew it was available in standalone/bootup format.