Dear Friends,
DeepRoot Linux is pleased to announce a new release of the deepOfix Mail Server! Version 3.1 of the deepOfix Mail Server is a major release encompassing a large number of fixes, enhancements and additions.
Please do give the new deepOfix Mail Server a try. We are confident that it can meet the server requirements of anyone wanting to use GNU/Linux and Free Software.
About the deepOfix Mail Server ------------------------------
The deepOfix Mail Server makes it possible for organisations with minimal technical expertise to have robust server infrastructure. The mail server effortlessly delivers the freedom, reliability and excellence of GNU/Linux to you and is available as Free / Open Source Software itself. It offers unprecented ease of use, doesn't require prior GNU/Linux experience and is backed by a full-time development and support team.
As always, we will eagerly await any feedback, criticism, bug reports, wisdom or advice that you might have for us.
Cheers, Abhas.
Links -----
* Download the deepOfix Mail Server Install CD (version 3.1)
* deepOfix Mail Server - Version 3.1 - What's new?
* Development websites deepOfix Installer and OS - EasyPush Server Manager -
* Subscribing to deepOfix-related mailing lists