Smith S.Raj said on Sun, Mar 14, 2004 at 09:17:46AM -0800,:
all...Every single one was done free of cost...but we did all these
`Free of cost' is a good thing. But `Free software' is about freedom. Have ever considered what would happen if one fine morning, they discontinued weebee??? Years of your effort at learning that `language' will go wasted. This (disappearance from the market) has already happened to several database application. It is going to happen to *every* vendor of anti virus software.
QT design idea poped up at this stage... any way thanks to every one...
There are some myths about QT dual licensing. One such myth is that if you charge money for a software based on GPL'ed version QT, you need to pay trolltech (holders of the QT Copyright). It is not true. You can base your software on GPL'ed QT and charge money for that, so long as your application is uner the GPL. If, and only if you wan to use a non-free license for *your* application does the need for paying TrollTech arise.
There is no such thing as 'trial version' of a GPL'ed free software.
There is no such thing as `free of cost' software. Only Free Software. The price you pay for using non-Free freeware (trial version or not) is heavy ...