Frederick Noronha (FN) wrote:
...Microsoft-influenced "focus group" that is keen to study how Free/Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS) works...
Those still using Microsoft Windows, may visit to study how free software works, and take the first step towards becoming full fledged free software users.
<quote> The Choices for a GNU Generation: Free Software alternatives to proprietary applications on the Microsoft Windows OS.
Here is a list of popular free software applications that run on Microsoft Windows--along with the proprietary applications they replace. If you are still a Windows user, you can take a first step towards free software by installing these applications..... </quote>
Developers who have been using non-free software will be thrilled to view, study, and use the sources listed at the above page. Of course, this info is of no use to pathetic Microsoft agents, but it does give them the chance start a new life as respectable and decent users of computers who may even become honourable by contributing code :)