yups, that's a lot of info, and in a very well organised manner basically, i personally believe that as soon as pango has it's next release, we may be able to bring full scale support for indic languages in Linux as far as gnome is concerned. (of course, a massive effort is needed) for KDE i don't know, Taneem Ahmed taneem@eyetap.org may be able to answer however, as far as i know, for bangla, suitable opentype (*.otf) fonts are not ready, and i believe that's the case with many other indic languages too
i believe that the best supported Indic language at this moment is Hindi
/*drool*/ http://vhost.dulug.duke.edu/~louie/screenshots/gconf-editor-hindi.png /*drool*/
and they have the fonts and other stuffs ready (it seems) You can also check out the links at http://www.gnome.org/i18n/ and http://i18n.kde.org/ for more info you can also ask at the mailing lists of these sites back to studies now..... -cheers- sdg
On Sat, 2002-08-17 at 00:28, Frederick Noronha wrote:
I was fishing around for some information on the possible Indianisation of GNU/Linux. As Ms Mita puts it, Edward Cherlin's info (via the Simputer mailing list on yahoogroups) appears to be mind-boggling. What do others on this list think of it? Any feedback? FN
On Fri, 16 Aug 2002, Mita wrote: