Updates: Herehttp://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/M/MICROSOFT_OPEN_SOURCE?SITE=AZMES&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT's a more detailed break up of that 235, Torvald's responsehttp://www.informationweek.com/news/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=199600443to the claim and finally two interesing blogs: Why Microsoft Won't ID Patent Violations…http://neosmart.net/blog/2007/microsoft-linux-patent-violations/It's Time for Microsoft to Put Up or Shut Uphttp://lmaugustin.typepad.com/lma/2007/05/its_time_for_mi.html
On 5/16/07, Praveen A pravi.a@gmail.com wrote:
Microsoft claims that free software like Linux, which runs a big chunk of corporate America, violates 235 of its patents. It wants royalties from distributors and users. Users like you, maybe. Fortune's Roger Parloff reports.
Great to see CNN talking about Free Software and not Open Source.
Cheers Praveen
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