We were expecting Baishampayan to come and talk on Django. His last minute ditch wasn't going to go down well. Ramki and I made sure that Indranil Das Gupta utilized that space and gave a talk on the Free Software Philosophy. Unfortunately, I got stuck in traffic and couldn't attend the talk personally, but people spoke highly of it. Indranil and Ramki deserve kudos for being available at the last moment and saving the day.
Why are you blaming me instead of the organisers? Do you expect a poor student like me to fly down to Delhi from my own pocket? Most of the people who travelled to Delhi from their own pocket came with their own commercial interests in mind. I didn't have any. So I didn't come. Please don't mix personal issues with bigger issues in general. Regards, BG
-- Baishampayan Ghose Free Software Foundation of India b.ghose at