Nuances of the English language, or any language for that matter, are of deep interest to software developers in particular. Many programming languages, lexical parsers, tools and standards center around use of language, and fine sensitivity to language is an important pre-requisite for any kind of understanding.
I agree, but you are talking about a different context here.
Using "Open Source" terminology to refer to Free Software in the principal support list of the FSF-I may be excusable, but for heaven sake, please use only "Free Software" terminology in legislation or other documents that qualify as records for posterity. To avoid needless confusion and errors, it is important to use the right terminology, but if this is such an unimportant and trivial issue for you, could you not gracefully accept the requests made to use "Free Software" terminology, and proceed with your "constructive" work?
I have no problems using 'free software' and I do not think I meant the terminology to be trivial or unimportant. What I said was that I would like to be able to work together with people that have similar ideals and objectives and work on a common agenda/platform. I do not want to argue about terminology as I don't think I can contribute to that discussion.
That said, I just joined this mailing list and do realize the list is for free software advocates, and if the majority are religious about the necessity to restrict the discussions/debates to conform to the strictest definitions of free, then I will refrain from posting here on issues that may not lend themselves well to that definition.
Should the word "free" itself be chained and locked up?
No. I did not say/imply that.
Respecting the purposes, goals and objectives of this list is easy and not onerous.
Again, I have no problems respecting the purposes and objectives of the list, and will continue to use 'free software' in any future discussions. In fact, if you read my words above, I said " I will refrain from posting here on issues that may not lend themselves well to that definition." which in essence conveys my willingness to respect the rules of the list.
We are a bunch of volunteers sharing ideas, hoping for positive changes around us. You may get lucky in finding like minded people here, just as the rest us who belive and practise the philosophy of love and sharing behind Free Software have already found.
Thank you. I definitely hope so. I appreciate you sharing your thoughts. There is a lot of work to be done, and it always helps to have like minded people to work with. :)
Regards, Ragavan