--- Sarath Lakshman sarathlakshman@yahoo.com wrote:
do FSF hlp me to distribute my linux, with less cost.
sarath, this statement is fundamentally flawed. as you know linux is copy righted to linus torvalds, so `my linux` doesnt make sense. if you want to mean your linux distro, you should rather use your gnu/linux distro. fsf's mission is not to advertise for linux kernel. it has got a more dignified goal. please see http://www.gnu.org
--- "Mahesh T. Pai" paivakil@sancharnet.in wrote:
Ramanraj K said on Sun, Jan 16, 2005 at 05:52:04PM +0530,:
students who have contributed to the free
software movement by writing articles, developing innovative free software programs or for having made any other commendable contribution.
as far as i think contemplating the philosophy should be given much more importance than developing for gnu. and that should be given importance. otherwise it can lead to discrepancies within the organization (open source is the biggest example). so organizing some essay contest will be helpful, rather than scholarships and endowments. i think we should correct the hindu reporter.
amal s8.cse nit calicut
===== ~amal Freedom is worth living for, http://www.gnu.org
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