Dear Santhil, I forgot many important things in my mail.
India is a case I don't know. As i said I don't speak any of your languages :( even if I love your country. India is the country where I'll like to live.
Anyway let me tell that for us south-americans where i know how things are, we need to thanks the left wings.
In India I don't know, I can not, it is too far from me. For that was my mail to Nagarjuna too. Then.... I ask to you sincerly excuses to not have explained that before.
Take my answer as a south-american answer. Things can be the same or the opposite. Maybe we can hear more opinions.
regards juan
On Friday 07 August 2009, Juan Carlos Gentile Fagundez wrote:
I think this is better to go public, since i'm answering to you and forwarding some the persons that also were in the original mail.
On Friday 07 August 2009 07:27:13 am you wrote:
My name is Senthil and I volunteer for This is just a question out of curiosity.
Nice to meet you and to try to satisfy your curiosity (I'll add at the bottom the original mail i answered to Nagarjuna, since that is also an important topic. Also I have a curiosity , do you work for cisco? hmm.
I was interested in the tensions between Marxist groups in Venzuela and free software.
here i have a second curiosity. Is that what you think in India? Can you give me some information? This is the first time i hear something like that. And in my personal experience working as adviser in pdvsa for the migration, I have the oposite experience. Are normally the right wing persons that are going against the movement. Do you know president Chavez? He is left. He did the decree 3390. Did you know that? Maybe you are lacking of information. Do you know president Rafael Correa from Ecuador? Well that is also the left wing and he is absolutely commited with free software. Do you know also Fernando Lugo from Paraguay? He is also from the left wing, and also commited with free software.
In my personal experience the groups stopping the real thing are the right wing groups. Let me explain something. Who knows about free software in Venezuela is mainly a rich person, to know something about fs you need to have networking and so on specially in this countries. Then before Chavez who had network was what today is 'opposition'. In fact this right wing persons don't like too much that was Chavez from left wing that really took care of Free Software. Then this kind of community don't want to spread knowledge to the poors (the poors normally are left wing - at least in this countries :) In fact they try to keep the important positions also in the government being deeply inside oposition, then doing nasty things. Many ministeries bought oracle, cisco and so on. That is very bad.
Do the Marxist groups really contribute to free software and have they adopted strong positions. Do they really help the free software movement.
Lets say the right wing groups had damage a lot and continue doing this. Read my answer to nagarjuna asking him a very important thing for us. TO PUT ATTENTION TO WHAT HE IS DOING SPEAKING.
We see a lot of tension in India between these groups and was wondering if there is a pattern in the way these things work worldwide.
Maybe the patern is the one of fight for freedom and equality between humans. At least that is are the left groups from the south.
I hope to have answered to you, because this is the first time i've seen a question like that -> l " was interested in the tensions between Marxist groups in Venzuela and free software".
Please send me information since if this is what arrives to India as new, many things are wrong. There will be some part some cracking to the information.
warm regards juan
Thanks senthil
---------------- my answer to nagarjuna before ---------------------
Dear Nagarjuna,
you are missing the point forwarding this 'noisy declaration'
This declaration was signed where? by 5 6 man? what is that?, the comunities in south-america are only this ammount of persons? hmmm
Remember, South-America where you've been once or twice, is far from India, they dont speak english. You remember me when I try to understand malayalam. I can not.
Will be better to be very informed how are things in the south.
I put in cc some man that i think you should meet, or not depending if you want or not to understand how things are.
Martin Olivera -> president of Free Software Association of Argentina Diego Saravia -> author of ututo, the most important project on free software in South- America. He also gave to rms a honoris causa by the salta university. Also Diego has been one of the creators of solar itself, and more, also helped create ASLE , the ecuatorian Free Software Asociation, and also SOLVE in venezuela. AS you see, he was one of the creators of the 80 per cent of the Free Software Associations and also the important ones (of course Brasil is not there). Rafael Bonifaz -> worked for the Ecuatorian Government very commited with free software, one of the creators of ASLE.
Then I think will be interesting to talk to the communities
thanks very much