URL : http://lists.asiaosc.org
[1]Promoting open source and free software in Asia
[2]Asian Open Source Centre
Promoting open source and free software in Asia
AsiaOSC Mailing Lists Server
Access the Mailing Lists
For a full listing of the mailing lists that are hosted by this server, please click [3]here.
Create your Lists
AsiaOSC offers free mailing lists to open source / free software projects in Asia. If you are interested in creating a mailing list for your open source / free software project, please email [4]mailman-owner@lists.asiaosc.org with the following info :
1. Short name of list (e.g. OSS_Vietnam). 2. Short description (e.g. 'Open Source discussion in Vietnam'). 3. Long description (e.g. 'For anything related to open source and free software in Vietnam'). 4. Geographical distribution (Asia, worldwide, or countryname). 5. AsiaOSC registered username (click [5]here to register).
Mailing lists are offered to you under these [6]terms and conditions. Please take note that someone from AsiaOSC will be a co-admin for every list. The admin from AsiaOSC will not exercise any admin previleges unless the list is abused.
Please report problems to [7]mailman-owner@lists.asiaosc.org
[8]MIMOS - [9]AsiaOSC AsiaOSC Mailing Lists Server
1. http://www.asiaosc.org/ 2. http://www.asiaosc.org/ 3. http://lists.asiaosc.org/mailman/listinfo 4. mailto:mailman-owner@lists.asiaosc.org 5. http://www.asiaosc.org/user.php?op=register&module=NS-NewUser 6. http://www.asiaosc.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=legal&file=index 7. mailto:mailman-owner@lists.asiaosc.org 8. http://www.mimos.my/ 9. http://www.asiaosc.org/