Here's the key person that IT secretary informs has the details. Subhra Chakraborty Mob:09331042119 E-mail: subhrackh at gmail
Thanks to Arun for attracting my attention to this thread. I must say that I find Raju's posting is interesting. I happen to have met with Mr. Subhra Chakraborty a couple of times due to professional engagements. Its true that Mr. Chakraborty *is* indeed the key person in the CSC (common services centers - NeGP G2C kiosks) program which are among the principal consumers of the GPMS and the IFMAS software.
The fact is Mr. Chakraborty is a Project Co-ordinator / IT Officer with the Panchayat & Rural Development (P&RD) Dept, Govt of WB. He in turn reports to Mr. Maity who is the Deputy Secy (iirc) and finally at the top of the P&RD admin hierarchy is Mr. M N Roy. IAS (Principal Secy, P&RD)
So, has Mr. Chakraborty been empowered as spokesperson from P&RD? Its interesting that the IT Secy Mr. Siddharth would be giving Mr. Chakraborty's name as the contact person.
just wondering