On 07/09/2006 11:23 AM, VMK cobbled together some glyphs to say:
Biggest Open Source ‘e-governance’ Application in The Country - Ready for Rollout in Chhattisgarh State http://egovindia.wordpress.com/2006/07/08/biggest-open-source-%e2%80%98e-gov... Does this work ? Can this be DUPLICATED in other States ? How about LOCALIZATION of LANGUAGES ?
Where is the source code? Do this people understand what ``Open Source'' Software is? Merely running on the GNU/Linux platform doesn't make any software ``Open Source''. And they are running it on Red Hat 9? The project description seems to be full of buzzwords and overly bloated to me. Regards, BG
- -- Baishampayan Ghose b.ghose@gnu.org.in Free Software Foundation of India http://www.gnu.org.in/
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