Raj Mathur raju@linux-delhi.org writes:
On Wednesday 19 Nov 2008, Anivar Aravind wrote:
Freedom of expression cant be suppressed with muscle power. MES students recovered deleted videos from their memory card. I posted them in my blog post http://anivar.movingrepublic.org/2008/national-free-software-conferen ce-boycott-novell-turn-outs
Too bad you need proprietary software to view the videos. Doesn't seem to work with Gnash
It does work with swfdec. which is better than gnash and of lgpl license.
Here is the direct link to the ogg files I uploaded. (got from the source of blip.tv site) http://blip.tv/file/get/Shyam_k-nfscCusat149.ogg http://blip.tv/file/get/Shyam_k-protestorsManhandledAtNFSCCusat539.ogg
Happy hacking Shyam K