Arko Provo Mukherjee writes:
They can run parallelly along with the ILUGS/IGLUGS. Many people in the ILUGS don't believe in Free Software philosophy. Thus establishing FSUG in different cities will help us to create user groups supporting free software including GNU/Linux, BSD etc.
wonderful idea to bring all the FSUGs into one roof. But wasn't that the intended idea initially?
I know that we already have a few FSUGs in the country, like in Chennai. We can invite them to join us.
the FSUG in Chennai, now, mainly exists (rather few know that it does exists) just to help the Demo@Schools program. There is no active role played by FSUG-Chennai right now. But it will be very good for the sake of all freedom lovers in Chennai to have a full-fledged FSUG. A few volunteers from Demo@Schools are working on the FSUG site and it should be up soon (as in weeks given that they are all working part-time on this amidst their tight curricular schedules).
we would be very glad to join this effort.