"Santhosh Thottingal" santhosh00@gmail.com writes:
Just came to know that Supreme Court of India uses GNU/Linux and OO. Read http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenOffice.org#Market_share -Santhosh
Oh!! Really??
Then, please do the following:-
1. Go to http://www.judis.nic.in/
2. Select ``Daily Orders > Supreme Court''. You should be at http://www.courtnic.nic.in/courtnicsc.asp
3. Enter ``Common Cause'' in ``Petitioner or Respondent's Name (Full or Part)''; select 2007, 2006 (or any other year) - it makes no difference - Common Cause is a very litigious (in a positive sense) NGO, filing multiple PILs every year.
4. Hit submit. Please copy and paste the result here. (fi you get any result.
5. Go through Steps 1 to 4 above with dillo or w3mmee