Here is the transcript of Richard's talk and Q&A:
It is of the file "part-1.ogg", and I have not finished the last 12 minutes. I have to leave the office now, so I just wanted to put it online. I will finish the 12 minutes in the morning.
I might do transcripts of other parts of the recordings, but I haven't decided yet. I will mail here if I decide to do further transcripts. If someone else decides to do a transcript, please also mail here to prevent two of us from doing the same work.
One very easy way to raise awareness of the GPLv3 process is to pass that webpage URL to other mailing lists, and to submit it to news sites and to forums.
As many of you probably saw, there was also an interview with Stallman in The Hindu: (That was on slashdot today)
Thanks for making the recordings available.