And as someone put it, this tour to sub-continent appears to be more out of fear (on losing out market share), rather than any real goodwill. DId I see that fear reflected on the face of Narayana Murthy? Maybe, maybe not.
Earlier too, we had such Chairmen of rich and powerful MNCs making donations, something that Bordieu compared to 'soft violence', as that tantamounted to pressurising the 'State under influence' to forcibly allow flow of goods or services from that MNC, ultimately leading to 'more violence'.
In fact, I would concur with the thinking that such 'violence' being unleashed by rich and powerful global MNCs are more terrorising than any other forms of violence, especially when no other extra-terrestrial forms of life are threatening us.
Not anymore, Bill, you would lose that contribution, too. We will become wiser with the passage of time, sharp enough to track such narrow moves.
CK Raju