It is good that more and more people are realising importance of free software. We should try to get policy support from these political parties. BJP starting to use free software is a quantitative improvement(increasing free software usage), now we should try to take that to next level, qualitative improvement(supporting free software philosophy).
May be this should start from Karnataka. FSUG Banglore team may be able to start working on this. Can we get new government in Karnataka to endorse free software philosophy and begin the migration of schools to free software ?
Adopting Free software is certainly a good step for a political party. We need to hail BJP for this decision.
IMO, we must hail BJP but we should hail them as just another bunch of users but not give them cult status. It should just be looked at as some more users adopting free software and not as a political party. I mean, we shouldn't be endorsing BJP at the end of the day.
This is not the first time that a party has thrown its weight behind Free Software. (