Kush be_a_sport@rogers.com writes:
One way to wean existing users towards linux or open source softwares is by giving them a feel of the various open source softwares under windows so that the migration towards linux becomes easier (training etc costs become less etc) A lot of equivalent open source softwares now exist in both worlds (linux and windows) such as gaim/openoffice/gimp etc etc.
I found these 2 sites which are very helpful http://www.opensourcewindows.org/ http://osswin.sourceforge.net/
Recently I came across mistika too which though not open source is a special purpose software under linux which shows that newer software development may be moving towards linux.
Please don't encourage the use free software in a non-free platform in the name of 'easy migration'.This is something akin to mixing coke with the tender coconut water.The purpose of availability of free software in proprietary platform is only to demonstrate the power of free software.