When we find the governments of different states and of India support prop. software, or find a magazine calling it Linux and not GNU/Linux, we can shout against it in this list, but can really do almost nothing. That is because we are still not a formidable group having only a few members. So first FSF-INDIA need to establish roots all over the country and strengthen itself. Forming FSUG will do just that. It will create state wise groups supporting FREE SOFTWARE MOVEMENT and can address specific issues concerning that city or state. They can arrange meetings, which is almost impossible in this list as it is an all India list. This list can simply back up the FSUGs by giving them support, like giving web-space etc.
That is why I suggest this. This group hasn't done anything specific yet.
If we can achieve it, and collect a few members in important cities, we will be on our way to establish FSF-INDIA firmly.
Regards Arko