said on Thu, Mar 04, 2004 at 12:40:54PM +0530,:
- SCO is to provide and identify all specific lines of code from
Unix System V from which IBM's contributions from AIX and Dynix are alleged to be derived.
- SCO is to provide and identify with specificity all lines of
code in Linux that it claims rights to.
Heee ... heeee ....
I am literally rolling on the floor, laughing, after reading other news about SCO.
They are suing Daimler-Chrysler for violation of *UNIX* license agreement; and another little known (in India) company called Autozone. The suit against Autozone is for *use* and *possession* of Linux (kernel). (Of course, SCO will call it the `Linux Operating system').
Now, if Linux-the-kernel had only a single copyright holder, with sufficient backup resources (like the FSF), jokes like the Autozone suit could have been effectively countered.
The other good news from groklaw is that in yet another vindication of validity and strength of the GNU GPL, Fujitsu-Siemens, makers of wireless routers have settled (yet another out of court settlement) the dispute with iptables/netfilter project. Sources for WLAN-Router AP 600 RP-USB, will be published under GPL.
Icing on the cake???
Fujitsu-Siemens will make a donation of undisclosed size to Free Software Foundation Europe.