On 15/09/2007, Anilkumar K V achu.kulangara@gmail.com wrote:
It is really a good attempt by Sasikumar. I appreciate him for this write-up.
However, since the narration of this write-up is mainly based on the experience of free software movement in Thiruvananthapuram, I feel the title is better renamed as "The Story of Free Software in Thiruvanathapuram, India".
Even that could be wrong since I have left out the efforts of CDIT, as you mentioned.
As I have mentioned at the beginning of the blog, this was a chapter in a book, and I had a deadline. Moreover, this was not meant to be a comprehensive story of Free Software in Kerala but just an overview for a specific purpose. As I have mentioned in the article itself, "The story is bound to be biased by my experiences and limited by my knowledge. Individuals or organisations who have contributed to the Free Software movement in the state may have been left out from the narration, even though this is written after speaking to several people who were involved right from the beginning of the movement. I apologise for any such omissions and assure the readers that they are inadvertent and not deliberate." Finally, this was written about one year back. A lot of things that happened in this period will therefore not fnd a place in it.
However, my idea is to add material to the article as and when I can so that eventually this becomes a record of the history of FS in Kerala. I am thinking of extending it to the entire country, if I am able to find the time, so that there will be a recorded history at least of FSF India.
I apologise for the error in the name of OSSICS. I am correcting it. But I did mention S2S2.