salih pk writes:
But all that u said is not right,because as u all know hackers are classified as different according to there method :
You got it all wrong. The term 'hacker' is being used wrongly here. 'Hackers' dont go about compromising machines and looking around for security flaws which they can exploit. The term 'hacker' originally (historically) refers to something different. The media was too dumb to understand the real meaning., and associated that term with people who compromise computer security. Such people who 'compromise computer security' are called 'crackers'. Please read the following article which has links to other sources of information also.
If u think I am a fool then goto my group and plz be its moderator and guide us.Hacker-School in Yahoo!
If you take the time to read the above link I posted., you'll understand how silly that title 'Hacker-school' is.. :)