On 23/12/03 12:10 pm, "Annamalai Gurusami" annamalai.gurusami@email.masconit.com wrote:
Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi chandrashekhar.mullaparthi@t-mobile.co.uk writes:
Well, I dont agree with the analogy. A book is for learning about something. Usually, software is a tool/utility.
Like Ramanraj said in a message previously, if a book is crap, the author wont sell anymore and that is the end of his/her career as an author. The same cant be said of big corporations which make crap commercial software.
The same does apply to _big_ corporations. If their software is not useful, then it is not going to sell.
Really? What about Microsoft? Exception? I think it's more the norm than the exception. And, the point is not whether a paticular piece of software is useful. The point is what happens when it breaks. That's where warranties come in.