"Krishna" == Krishna Pagadala krishnaact@yahoo.com writes:
Krishna> [snip]
Krishna> e.g. You dont have right to read and understand the Krishna> program, all students of computers should care about Krishna> this. You dont have right to make improvements, so Krishna> localization cannot be made. Both of us can read and Krishna> write english but normal ppl cannot do so, ...
Erk, I'm not normal now?
Krishna> From wikipedia "Furthermore, the openness of free Krishna> software eases internationalization creating economic and Krishna> social benefits for users in more countries"
Krishna> 3) As we are finding out, property regimes of knowledge Krishna> are inefficient and create indirect taxes, I would like Krishna> to avoid them. 4) Would you want to support Wikipedia or Krishna> MSN encarta? both are free of cost but if you wanted to Krishna> contribute, where will your contributions go? Wikipedia Krishna> right? Why? Because wikipedia is Free as in Freedom, and Krishna> nobody makes money off of it.
Please don't confuse the Free as in Freedom with making money. I make money out of free software, as do lots of people. Free/Libre and Proprietary have nothing to do with commercial or non-commercial.
-- Raju