That above URL is a trifle misleading since searching for domains that contain Microsoft would not be a proper indication of the >representation would give an idea of what is going on with the MSFT site.
The intention was not to look at what MS does at its HQs in Redmond, but to reveal the OS powered by the servers with a ending - as the site advises.
Perhaps Arun could bring this to the notice of the newly baptised >>(AKG)Congress-men also.
Sometimes putting across an accurate collection of facts would have >more battering power than a mish-mash collation. I am not being a nitpicker - but off the cuff responses do seem to >troll out mail threads.
That was a remark on an episode which continues (and will continue) to hog the media, here, downunder in Kerala. For other fellow Indians, this does not convey anything. Bhule jaan Shankar dada.
CK Raju Thrissur